The essential guide on how to carve out time for art in your busy schedule
This 39-page Creative Guide digs deep and provides a wide range of various time-management tools to help you make time for your creative practice!
- Why prioritize art?
- How making time for your creative practice is not only good for your own well-being, but for the people in your life
- How much time should you commit to your creative practice?
- Learning to say no to things you truly don't want to do
- Letting go of what others think
- Letting go of guilty feelings
- Determining your core values
- Changing your standards & expectations
- Letting go of perfectionism
- The importance of organization
- Outsourcing & delegating tasks
- Being proactive instead of reactive with your time
- Common time-wasters
- Ideas to save time
- Time-management techniques
- Taking art classes
- Evaluating & modifying your schedule
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Copyright © Elizabeth Becker 2024. All rights remain with the artist.