Your essential complete guide to exhibiting at art festivals
Are you considering doing art festivals, but getting started feels overwhelming?
- Are you already doing shows, but searching for more ideas and information?
- Are you a right-brained creative thinker, and the left-brained, logistical aspects of art festivals seem daunting?
- Are you an introvert and feel intimidated by the extraverted aspects of doing shows?
- Are you having a difficult time finding information about art festivals or artists who are willing to be transparent and share their experiences?
I Made This Thorough, 50+ Page Guide For You!
It took me years of art festival experience,
discussions with other artists in the field,
and countless hours of tedious research
to gather the information in this guide.
In this Comprehensive Guide, I Dig Deep and Cover a Wide Range of Topics, Including:
- Deciding if Art Festivals are a good fit for you, personally & professionally
- The difference between Juried & Non-Juried Art Shows
- The difference between Fine Art & Craft Shows
- The Application Process, tips & best practices
- Opportunities for Emerging Artists
- How to take a good Booth Shot for an art festival
- Exhibiting a cohesive body of artwork
- Tips for handling rejection
- Recommended Juried Fine Art Festivals across the United States
- The best art festival tent and other equipment
- Planning an art festival schedule
- Preparing for an art festival
- Framing strategies
- Archival materials
- The difference between Open Edition & Limited Edition Prints
- Packing artwork for transport
- How much money you can expect to make at an art festival
- How to track art festival business expenses and figure profit
- The cost of a typical art festival
- Collecting and paying sales tax
- The art festival set-up and tear-down process
- Common questions you might get asked at an art festival
- Tips for securing a sale at an art festival
- Common problems & solutions
- Tips for introverts, to conserve your energy & practice self-care during art festivals
- Tips for working with a spouse or partner at an art festival
Bonus Content
- An example Pack List for an art festival
- A Certificate of Authenticity template for Limited Edition Prints
- My actual sales profit & expenses from several shows over the years
When you purchase this PDF, you agree to use it for personal purposes only. You may not resell, sublicense or transfer the eBook to any third party. You may not photocopy or record the information in this book by any means, without written permission by Elizabeth Becker. Unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or sharing of any content in this PDF is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
Copyright © Elizabeth Becker 2024. All rights remain with the artist.